Own Up!® is Rooted in Family.

Own Up!® began as a family-owned business in Denver, CO in 1986 when Jennifer Thero Long joined up with her mother Dr. Cynthia Thero and brother Chip Thero to aide in instructional design and client services for Cynthia’s company known then as The Source. The company researched, developed, and designed corporate training programs for local and national clients such as Tele-Communications, Inc. (now Comcast) and soon expanded to international clients with training partners in Edmonton, Canada, Johannesburg, South Africa, and Sydney, Australia. During this time, Cynthia, with her background in Adult Education and Psychology, and Jennifer, with her background in Theater and Communications, developed one of the first ever organization coaching methodologies working with company employees one-one-one to develop and master new skills as part of their organizational learning experience. Chip aides in heading all of the behind-the-scenes work, including website design, maintenance, and logistics. The company then morphed into Management Possible®, and then continued to evolve into Own Up!® in 2023.

To this day, we remain one of the elite coaching and training companions that can credibly coach to scale with large organizations.


Our Values

At Own Up!®, we work hard to provide the best trainings and programs for leaders, managers, and companies. We have spent years developing and improving out programs to create leadership trainings that are effective. Be sure to contact us to learn more about our company and programs. When you sign up, you can expect:

Lessons That Can Be Applied Instantly

Our training programs include lessons and methods the can be applied right away. You do not have to wait until the end of the program to know how to effectively lead a team or coach employees. Our programs will give you the ability to make changes right away.

No Training Without Coaching

Our training programs are more than just lessons. Each of our training programs includes coaching as well, which allows you to practice our methods firsthand in order to best apply them to your business.

Behavior Change

Our training programers are not meant to only help improve your business, they are also meant to improve behaviors. To be an effective leader, you need to develop different behaviors that allow you to best manage, coach, communicate, and lead your team.

Personalized Application

Our training programs are designed to help everyone from executive managers to employees learn how to work more efficiently. based on your needs, your business, and your desired outcome, we can personalize the application of our programs so you get what you need.

5 Star Service and Administration

When you work with Own Up!®, you will experience the best customer service possible. We will always work hard to provide you with the best possible services and administration of our programs.

Measurable Skill Improvement

Our leadership and management training programs can help you learn more about what it takes to be and effective leader and how to improve the efficiency of you company. When you work with us and use our programs, you skill improvement will be measurable.

Want to work with us?

Contact us with the contact form or schedule an Info Call today!

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