
Coaching Packages for developing Managers, Leaders and Executives

Do You Set Your Leaders Up for Performance Success?

Leaders to carry the baton of adapting to changing circumstances, solving new problems, and seizing new opportunities for your business, how you choose to support them is an important decision.  When your leaders want to level up their performance, or maybe feel stuck and are looking to regroup and reconfigure how they perform, coaching is a proven means to help them succeed.

Without proper support, knowledge, and applied practice for improvement, companies experience things like poor communication, poor accountability, conflict, stress, workplace relationship issues, low engagement, lack of feedback, misalignment, politics-the list goes on.


Who's it For?

Anyone in your organization looking for development and change in how they perform. Newly promoted, the high-potential, the stuck executive, the newly formed team, the team who has lost steam, the C-suite in need of reflection and direction, executive leaders, mid-level managers and leaders — they can all benefit from the CoachUp! experience.





  • Baseline – Begin by focusing on self-discovery and self-awareness to clearly see who and where you are and the challenges you're facing.

  • Strategize and Visualize – Contextualize issues, relationships, challenges, aspirations, targets, gaps, and needs. Identify measures of success.

  • Practice and Apply – Expand and develop, practice, reflect, learn, discover, deal with blind spots, and be uncomfortable as you learn and apply new skills, tools, frameworks, models, mindsets and engage changed behaviors.

  • Evaluate and Measure – Alignment check, achievement check, and see the impact for the business and your stakeholders. Feel the rush of your new found confidence.

How It Works

Coaching engagements are powerful for personal change and growth due to several key elements that create a unique and impactful developmental experience. 

This Experience Includes:


Personalized Attention

  • Individual Focus: Coaching provides one-on-one attention, allowing the coach to tailor their approach to the individual.
  • Customized Strategies:  Personalized strategies and action plans that directly address the coachee’s specific challenges and objectives.

Confidential and Safe Environment

  • Trust and Safety: The coaching relationship is built on trust and confidentiality, which encourages the coachee to be open, honest, and vulnerable.
  • Non-Judgmental Space: The coachee can explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors without fear of judgment, fostering a deeper level of self-awareness and insight.

Goal Setting and Accountability

  • Clarity of Goals: Coaching helps individuals clarify their personal and professional goals, ensuring they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  • Accountability Partner: The coach acts as an accountability partner, helping the coachee stay on track, follow through on commitments, and maintain momentum towards their goals.

Relative Practice & Feedback and Support

  • Self-Reflection: Coaching encourages regular self-reflection to gain insights into strengths, weaknesses, and patterns of behavior.
  • Learning from Experience: Through reflection, the coachee can learn from their experiences, understand their impact, and make informed decisions about future actions.
  • Constructive Feedback: The coach provides honest, constructive feedback that is aimed at improvement and growth.
  • Emotional Support: The coach offers emotional support, encouragement, and motivation, which is crucial during challenging times and transitions.

Skill Development

  • Skill Building: Coaching often focuses on developing specific skills and competencies, such as leadership, communication, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence.
  • Practical Application: The coachee is encouraged to apply new skills and behaviors in real-life situations, reinforcing learning and building confidence.

Challenging Assumptions and Beliefs

  • Identifying Limiting Beliefs: Coaching helps individuals identify and challenge limiting beliefs and assumptions that may be holding them back.
  • Expanding Perspectives: The coach encourages the coachee to explore different perspectives and consider new possibilities, fostering a growth mindset.

Creating a Vision for the Future

  • Future-Oriented: Coaching is inherently forward-looking,  creating a compelling vision for the future and develop a roadmap to achieve it.
  • Motivation and Inspiration: By focusing on their desired future state, the coachee is motivated and inspired to take action and make meaningful changes.

Empowerment, Ownership, & Sustainable Change

  • Empowering the Coachee: Coaching empowers individuals to take ownership of their development and make proactive choices about their life and career.
  • Building Self-Efficacy: Through the coaching process, the coachee builds self-efficacy, gaining confidence in their ability to achieve their goals and handle challenges.
  • Long-Term Focus: Coaching is often focused on creating sustainable change, helping the coachee develop habits, behaviors, and mindsets that support long-term success.
  • Continuous Improvement: The iterative nature of coaching encourages continuous improvement and lifelong learning.

By combining these elements, coaching creates a powerful environment for personal change and growth, enabling individuals to achieve their full potential and lead more fulfilling and effective lives. You get more positive impact to the business where you need it.

Support Growth by Supporting Leaders

Supporting your leaders' desire to reach great new heights within the company is investing in the future! Showing up and cultivating the growth within your leaders is the first step to a long road of successes.

Want to include CoachUp! as part of your development?